On 12 December 2023 a workshop of the H4C Community of Practice with the CORALIS project was organised to learn about their demonstration cases of industrial symbiosis. The project presented two cases, the provision of low-temperature heat from industry to a large greenhouse and the closure of several material loops in the metals industry in the Brescia region, and three follower cases in Basauri (Spain), Linz (Austria), and Izmit (Turkey). The presentations triggered a lively discussion among the 20+ participants.
A key finding was that the current regulations on exchanging waste materials, in contrast to providing by-products to other producers, create significant barriers for the closing of material loops. It was also stressed that the realization of industrial symbiosis requires the mobilization of many stakeholders inside and outside of the companies involved and that economic viability and long-term stability of the symbiotic relationships are key.
We thank the presenters who openly shared their experiences with the audience and all participants for their insightful comments and questions!