We are looking back onto the Hubs4Circularity Community of Practice and A.SPIRE Webinar – “Exploring the Sectoral Hubs4Circularity Potential in EU Regions”,  which took place on Thursday, 26th September 2024. The event featured practical Hubs4Circularity (H4C) cases and reflected on the sectoral potential of H4Cs in different EU regions, with insights from Antonio Ferrandez Garcia (Industrial Transformation Unit, DG RTD, European Commission), Dorota Pawlucka (Global Alliances Manager, Covestro AG & A.SPIRE Board Member), Diego Redondo Taberner (Project Manager, CIRCE), Kalin Marinov (Head of International Affairs and Strategic Development, Glavbolgarstroy Holding) and Ron Weerdmeester (H4C Community of Practice & PNO Consultants).

The webinar was moderated by Àngels Orduña, Executive Director A.SPIRE. Angels’ take-home messages were as follows:

Hubs4Circularity are expected to become the new business model for the implementation of the industrial (urban) symbiosis and circular economy solutions in regions. An important precondition for the implementation of the H4Cs is greater planning reliability for the actors involved, stemming – amongst other things – from a well-defined and well-aligned political landscape. Great potential for savings from these collaborations lies with the process industries. Successful cases of collaborations illustrate that there is a clear potential for the implementation of the Hubs4Circularity. The full transition is clearly not a sprint, but a marathon, requiring a collaborative spirit from all actors involved.

 You can download the slides from the webinar here.

Join the Hubs4Circularity Community of Practice to continue the discussion!